When I had my daughter in March of 2008, I felt complete. With a then 3 year old son and a great hubby I finally had my family unit. So the days go by......

and I have watched you grow from a baby to a toddler and today really stopped to wonder. Boy has the time flown by! The summer will soon usher in fall and my little independent girl will be entering Preschool.

I'll babble like a baby in the car that first day back in September. I'll suck up the tears when you confidently walk through that door after a few weeks into the semester.

And I've relished in watching you blossom and grow. I've especially enjoyed watching you develop a sense of humor and your need to make people laugh.

Such much excitement and challenges are ahead of you and while I can hardly wait for you to experience it, I just wish time would slow down just a bit.
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