Livin' In the Sweet Virginia Breeze

My weekly musings of living in the country with a great hubby, 2 adorable young children and our bulldog, Ellie.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Feels So Good Feeling Good Again

Doodlebug and Boo Boo have been sick with a cold again most of the week. But we are well on the road to recovery. Nathan had to go to the ER for the first time, Sunday, when a sudden earache hit. We had gone to cut wood for the fire pit, me driving with AnnaBelle in the minitruck following George and Nathan on the 4-wheeler. After we cut the wood and gathered some big rocks from the field we headed home. Once we were inside, Nathan announced that his ear was hurting, and then he started screaming. I felt his head and took his temp which was 101 and he was screaming and holding his ear. We made the decision to go to the local ER. George stayed home with AnnaBelle and Nathan and I met Patty at the ER.
He was so brave and cooperative even though i know he felt like sh*t. I was so proud of him. So he has a middle ear infection and stayed home from Preschool all week. But as i said, he is on the mend and feeling alot better.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was fun this year. My own family didn't recognize me if i hadn't had AnnaBelle in my arms when we arrived! I had a good time dressing the part with the makeup and put it on when i went to wake Nathan up from his nap. He screamed and hid under the covers. Nathan was Superwhy, George was a scarecrow and AnnaBelle was a flower.
Been busy picking up pecans, visit my website if you want to place an order: . I have various sizes and can ship them to you through paypal.