We've been hanging loose at Woodland. Getting over colds and stomach bugs and trying to get outside on the warmer days. I am washing my hands madly because so far I have been able to stay sick-free. After a week of a chest cold Nathan decided to throw up very early this morning and so far I am thinking it was something he ate. He hasn't been sick since 7 a.m. He's looking forward to fox hunting with his Daddy and friends tonight.

He missed most of the week sick with a head and chest cold but was able to make it the last 2 school days of the week. It took forever to get his temperature down and since they have taken the only medicine that worked for him (Children's Motrin) I have not found one that is equivalent so I am experimenting with various drug store brands. Walgreens is our first guinea pig.

The little man helped his Daddy out in the kitchen by making the cornbread mix. He loves to help out and I love the fact that his Daddy is teaching him valuable skills he can use one day to impress a girl....hey it's how I fell in love with his Daddy! I know, I know, I am so lucky to have a man that loves to cook and is good at it. I did it right the second time, baby!

I was reading some of my journals and realized that the jonquils will be blooming in a few weeks. It's always the tell-tale sign to me that spring is not far off.

We'll be putting up hams and side meat in the smokehouse next week. That is an interesting process and one I will document. Though we're not going to salt our own hams (a longer process) you'll get the gist of how it's done in the
Labels: cornbread, flu, hams, sunsets